Monday, September 24, 2012

Online Employee Scheduling Software Changes How Businesses Are Run

Even with only three or four employees, posting a schedule sheet or emailing schedules to everyone isn't enough to prevent overstaffing and understaffing. And when employees record shift swaps manually on a common paper schedule, mistakes are inevitable. A simple misunderstanding can mean too many employees working one day and not enough working the next. But great alternatives are available now.

Online Time Card Solution Streamlines Reporting of Hours

Many businesses turn to an online time card solution with scheduling features to not only keep track of employee hours, but to use smart technology to optimally schedule workers based on comprehensive employee data. The best part is you don't have to install a server and run the software yourself, because today you can get terrific web-based scheduling systems.

Seamless Integration to Payroll Saves Time and Money

Today's best online scheduling and time clock software packages can seamlessly integrate with payroll. That means payroll doesn't have to track down time cards that employees forget to submit, because it's all available through a web-based system. Time is money, and when payroll doesn't have to waste time deciphering someone's handwriting or finding out of someone worked this week, your company saves time and money.

Time and Attendance Can Be Automatically Reported and Recorded

With automatic reporting of time and attendance, you're freer than ever to actually run your business and concentrate on making it the best. Employees love online scheduling software because it makes it easy and transparent to swap shifts or to block out days when they know they will not be available. And since it's online, they can do this at any time, from wherever they have an internet connection.

Online EmployeeScheduling Software with Extras that Make Things Easy

Some of the smartest new online scheduling software packages come with terrific extras like predictive scheduling, savings calculators, and even event registration. No more waiting for "save the date" cards to arrive back in the mail. Have employees who work at various job sites? You can now easily track their hours wherever they may be. Haven't you spent enough time with a pencil and notebook working out employee schedules?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Many Benefits of Online Time Card Reporting

Speed Plus Accuracy Equals Savings
Paper time sheets have many shortcomings. They get lost, may be illegible, and are subject to mistakes as busy employees rush to complete them. An online time card solution, however, increases accuracy and allows employees to report their time data quickly. As a result, payroll workers no longer have to track down employees with illegible or inaccurate time sheets. Time and money and effort are saved.

Paperless, Simple Reporting
With an online time card solution, documents can be accessed from any location, and administrators can export data for creation of invoices simply and easily. Another advantage of online time card reporting is the major reduction in paper consumption, which saves money and is friendlier to the environment. If a paper copy of a report is needed, however, online time card systems are able to print them out with one click.

Easy Management of Mobile Employees
Managing an office-based workforce is hard enough. Add in mobile employees, and the process can be overwhelming with traditional time reporting systems. However, with a web-based time management system, you can easily track employees (mobile or stationary) from wherever they happen to be. Mobile employees can clock in and out remotely, and their time can be easily tracked by administrators or payroll workers.

Cost Savings
Think of the number of hours that go into administrative tasks every month. Whether it's keeping up with payroll reporting and time sheets, managing time off requests, or schedule generation, an online, paperless system saves many valuable work hours every month. If shift exchanges and the location of substitute workers are things your company deals with, these too can be accomplished with great ease with a web-based time card and scheduling system.

Mobile Device Access
By switching to an online time card and scheduling system with mobile device access, employees with smart phones don't even have to find a WiFi connection to clock in or out, view their schedules, or swap shifts with someone. Payroll and administrative employees too can access data from a mobile device. If a question comes up in a meeting about time card reporting, the data can be instantly accessed from an iPhone or Android device.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Why You Should Consider an Online Schedule Solution

By choosing one of today's web based schedule system packages, you automate the process of creating optimized schedules. Because the software does all the hard work for you, you will have more time to devote to actually running your business. Online scheduling packages do not require you to buy server hardware because it's all done on the web. With schedules accessible to all pertinent employees, you'll find there are fewer misunderstandings over scheduling.

Employees Find Online Scheduling More Convenient

If you're used to posting schedules on paper in a central location, you know how unsatisfactory this can be. With an online schedule solution system, however, your employees can access the schedule at any time, from any computer with an internet connection. All changes are done transparently too, so that when employees swap shifts, supervisors are kept in the loop so that there are no surprises.

Special Schedule Considerations May Be Included

Do you have scheduling requirements based on seniority or union status? Are you planning a special event you'll need your most experienced employees to attend? Special scheduling considerations can be easily programmed into an online scheduling software package. The software is able to use data on each employee to determine exactly who to schedule when. This can cut back on overstaffing, understaffing, and needless overtime scheduling.

Running Payroll Will Become Quicker

One of the best features of today's top online employee scheduling software is that it is able to seamlessly integrate with payroll. No more tracking down truant time cards, because employee attendance is automatically recorded and available to payroll right on time. Employees don't have to worry about their time cards being misread or hours being miscalculated either.

You'll Save Time and Money

Without having to manually figure out who to schedule when, you'll find you have a lot more time to devote to making your business better. You won't have frustrated payroll workers trying to get everyone's hourly information in on time, and your employees will have no excuse for not knowing when they're scheduled. Online employee scheduling software is an investment that pays off right away, and over the long term.